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Soodat ja soola. Segada korralikult läbi, taigen peaks jääma suhteliselt. Isa George'i kloostri kogumise kasutamine sümptomaatilise ravina vabastab. On the hand, the documents corresponding to the signature of Pere Moragues's contract as the major master on the works of the Gothic Catedral have been found in the notary registrations; on the other hand, some specific references have been taken from the books registering the work in the period and which confirm his presence in the workshop.

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Almuni Balada, Maria Victòria Full Text Available The documented research, carried out during the last years in the Chapter Archive in Tortosa, has hallowed us to verify the presence in the town of some master craftsmen, specially stone-cutters, who are related with the works in the cathedral. Others, however, had not been reported yet. That is the case of Pere de Moragues who was an imagery sculptor and goldsmith from Barcelona and whom we have discovered working as major master in the workshop of the Tortosa catedral in From the very beginning our objective has always been to explain the conclusions of our research as a whole; nevertheless, the specific interest of some documents, which verify the presence of the above mentioned Pere Moragues directing the works in the cathedral of Tortosa, led us to publish them in advance.

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