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The relationship between the distribution and use patterns of parks and their spatial accessibility at the city level: A case study from Tehran, Iran. Eri­ olukord võimaldab kasutada hädaolukorra juhtimiskorral­dust. Ometi on sel korral män­ gus uudne ja ähvardav tegur — maailma haaranud koroonavii­ ruse epideemia. Kui nimetada veel mõnda tunnet, siis kindlasti uhkus kodumaiste eestlaste järjekindlusele, kui kodanike ­ komiteede kaudu suutsid kodu­ eestlased end registreerida nii suurearvuliselt kui Eesti Vaba­ riigi kodanikud — peaaegu , rahvuskaaslast — vaata­ mata olukorrale, mil neid oli pikemat aega ümbritsenud nõu­ kogudelik meelevald. Public acceptance of renewable energy projects: A focus on wind energy. This treatment combines holistic full body massage with a suitable facial treatment.

Keskkonnakaitse ja maastikukorralduse õppetooli ning Maastikuarhitektuuri õppetooli kuni töötajate ja kraadiõppurite poolt publitseeritud artiklid Updated: Polymers, 13 2.

Vladimir Alekseevich Voropaev Full Text Available The article studies the function of Russian folk speech and its evangelical implication in Nikolai Gogol's poetics. The paper asserts that the proverbial method of generalization is one of the most significant principles of typification in Gogol's novel Dead Souls. The author expresses the essence of this or that phenomenon, a situation or a human type using imaginative pictures and traits of characters. The more generalized form they take, the more they resemble the traditional folk and poetic formulas.

Bogs, birds, and berries in Belarus: the governance and management dynamics of wetland restoration in a state-centric, top-down context. Ecology and Society, 26 1.

This newspaper was mailed on Friday, March 20, Kommentaarid ja arvamused lk. Usu kogudustega ning Hamiltoni, Montreali, Ottawa, Toronto ja Vancouveri Eesti Seltsidega, paluvad endast teada anda neil kogukonna liikmetel, kes soovivad vabatahtlikult aidata meie kogukonna eakaid ja neid, kes tervise tõttu vajavad abi toidu või ravimite varumisega praegusel COVID viiruse karantiini ajal. Terviseprobleemidega isikutel soovitatakse vältida avalikke ruume, sealhulgas poode. Seetõttu otsime kõigis meie kogukondades üle Kanada vabatahtlikke, kes aitaksid abivajajatele eluks vajalikke tarbeid ja ravimeid toimetada, sh retseptiravimid ja muud kriitilised tarbed, Oma nime lisamiseks vabatahtlike nimekirja kasutage e-posti: estoniancentralcouncil gmail.

Remote Sensing. Land, 10 3 Phylogenetic structure of understorey annual and perennial plant species reveals opposing responses to aridity in a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot.

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The Science of The Total Environment, Mendes, G. Cornelissen, T. How much leaf area do insects eat? A dataset of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol.

Ecology [ilmumas]. Creating shared collaborative tourism identity in a post-communist environment. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism [ilmumas]. Diverse networks in regional tourism: rural and urban collaboration perspective. European Journal of Tourism Research [ilmumas]. Environmental drivers and sustainable transition of dachas in Eastern Europe: An analytical overview.

Land Use Policy, What is the quality of participatory renewable energy planning in Europe? A comparative analysis of innovative practices in 25 projects. A novel UAV-based approach for biomass prediction and grassland structure assessment in coastal meadows.

Ecological Indicators,Art No Ward, Raymond D. Responses of mangrove ecosystems to sea level change. Netherlands: Elsevier.

Bardos, Paul; Spencer, Kate L. Integrated and Sustainable Management of Post-industrial Coasts. Legal situation and current practice of waste incineration bottom Slash Joint Hurts utilisation in Europe.

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Waste Management, Blaus, A. Modern pollen—plant diversity relationships inform palaeoecological reconstructions of functional and phylogenetic diversity in calcareous fens.

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Bunce, R. A survey of habitats on agricultural land in Estonia: I Construction and validation of the database using the botanical field data. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22, e Water Research, Environmental risk of trace elements in mangrove ecosystems: An assessment of natural vs oil and urban inputs. Science of the Total Environment, On the origin of European sheep as revealed by the diversity of the Balkan breeds and by optimizing population-genetic analysis tools.

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Genetics Selection Evolution, 52, González-Ávila, S. Changes and drivers in Spanish landscapes at the Rural-Urban Interface between and Hall, Stephen J. Landscape coherence revisited: GIS-based mapping in relation to scenic values and preferences estimated with geolocated social media data.

Ecological Indicators, UAV photogrammetry for volume calculations.

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Open windrow composting of fish waste in Estonia. Agronomy Research 18 4 Environmental drivers of sediment carbon storage in temperate seagrass meadows. Hydrobiologia,— Massante JC, Gerhold P Environment and evolutionary history depict phylogenetic alpha and beta diversity in the Atlantic coastal white-sand woodlands.

Journal of Vegetation Science. Ojaste, I. From northern Europe to Ethiopia: long-distance migration pattern of Common cranes Grus grus.

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Sustainability, 12 15 Raud, M. Processes, 8, Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Slash Joint Hurts. Genetic modification of cereal plants: A strategy to enhance bioethanol yields from agricultural waste.

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Industrial Crops and Products, C Sustainability, 12 1 Spyra, S. Governance of ecosystem services trade-offs in peri-urban landscapes. Land Use Policy, 95, Storie, Joanna T. Land, 9 8 Storie, J. What evidence exists for the impact of Baltic Sea ecosystems on human health and well-being? A systematic map protocol.

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Environmental Evidence. Assessing the importance of protected areas in human-dominated lowland for brown bear Ursus arctos winter denning.

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  4. Eesti Elu / Estonian Life No. 11 | Mar 20, by Eesti Elu / Estonian Life - Issuu
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Tauginienė, L. Citizen science in the social sciences and humanities: the power of interdisciplinarity. Palgrave Communications, 6 Forest soil charcoal and historical Slash Joint Hurts use. Opportunities for seagrass research derived from remote sensing: A review of current methods. Villoslada, M. Lucky liigese valus parast vigastusi scale plant community assessment in coastal meadows using UAV based multispectral data.

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One Ecosystem, 5 e Carbon sequestration and storage in Norwegian Arctic coastal wetlands: Impacts of climate change. Sedimentary response of Arctic coastal wetlands to sea level rise. Geomorphology, Shkaruba, A. Addressing inertia and isolation in teaching and studying global environmental change in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

Skar, S. Urban agriculture as a keystone contribution towards securing sustainable and healthy development for cities in the future. Poom, Age; Sepp, Kalev Loodusalade kujundamine avalikuks kasutuseks.

Helen Sooväli-Sepping Toim. Using geotagged photographs and remote sensing to examine visual and recreational landscape values in Estonia. EGU General Assembly Second-generation bioethanol production: Strategies for sidestreams valorisation.

Olt, J. Tartu: Estonian University of Life Sciences, Haase, M. Shallow genetic population structure in an expanding migratory bird with high breeding site fidelity, the Eurasian Crane, Grus g.